Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Choose A Domain Name That Floods Traffic To Your Website

Choosing a domain name is a very critical part of your website marketing strategy.

By choosing a domain name that targets the specific keywords for your website you'll flood your website with laser targeted traffic by enhancing click through response.

Pick a domain name that gives your prospects what they most desperately desire. By including the keywords in your domain name that are your customers desires, including them in your marketing messages and your website content you can't help but flood traffic to your website!

Wondering what your customer's desires are? If so, you'll need to determine what your really selling. Let's look at an example product here: home security alarm system.

Keep in mind few people know, nor do they care what the heck the product looks like or the features of the product such as size, color, weight, speed, or availability. The only thing they have an interest in is the "results" your product will achieve for them. It all boils down to what's-in-it-for-me?

Why would a prospect purchase a home alarm system? What's-in-it-for-them? If you think for just a moment you'll come up with the right answer.

Yes, it's to protect their jewelry or valuables while they are at work or when the house is empty.

You must stop thinking of yourself or the features of your product to determine what your customer's deepest desires are. By turning your product or service features into "benefits" or "results" you'll be able to hit their hot buttons and flood traffic to your website in the process.

The easiest way to turn features into benefits is to list all the features of your product or service on a piece of paper first. (a feature is a characteristic of a thing: size, color, weight, speed, availability) Then one by one turn each feature into a benefit for your customer. What's-in-it-for-me-- save money? youthfulness? friends? security? money? power? luxury? prestige? thinner body? obedient pet?

The traffic driving potential of keyword targeted domain names is awesome, provided that you research your target market and satisfy their "true" needs, desires and benefits. Once you have established this system for marketing, you'll be able to use your domain name to construct specific ad campaigns targeted to specific markets even if your website offers multiple products and services.

To take it a step further, you could formulate a domain name that works like a headline for a classified ad. When you break a headline down it should have several different parts. It should fan the flames of desire with a hint of information about solving a specific problem, satisfying a need, providing a benefit, or invoking curiosity with a call to action. Your domain name should contain as many of these "headline characteristics" as possible. Try and phrase the keywords into something relatively short, catchy and easy to remember.

Keep in mind "what's-in-it-for-me?" as to "what your really selling". The job of your domain name is to act like a headline to drive targeted traffic to your website by "scratching the itch of your customers." If you've found the right words to scratch that itch, then ONLY YOU can put it to use in your domain name. You'll find that not only will you do better on your search engine rankings you'll also attract a lot more attention with your pay per click ads or any type of advertising you use.

Check Out Easy Ways Of Domain Name Registration

Domain name registration is a significant, easy, and strategically important first to form an online presence, whether it is for business or otherwise. A domain name gives the first impression to your customers. A well-chosen domain name can set up your success in different ways; most importantly help generate search engine traffic for your website.

You should consider a few important points while going for your domain name registration. You can easily get your domain name registered. You should choose a domain name that will help to make your site effective. Domain names are not only the web addresses or URLs, but they are far more than that.

A domain name is the marketing brand and is the most important marketing tool that you possess, because it helps to draw traffic to your website.

Anyone can easily register a domain name, and register as many domain names as possible. Even if you do not own any website, then also you can register a domain name. Anyone can register a domain name up to 67 characters long. Register up to 10 years in advance.

There are many benefits of a good domain name. Owning a good domain name also gives you a decisive edge over the competitors. You can make your position strong in the industry with the help of a good domain name.

Domain name allows making a site virtual, and also adds the credibility to the site. People mostly want to choose the business partners with the sites that have their own domain names. Domain names make an organization professional.  

The ownership of the domain name gives you the option of transferring the website to any web host while maintaining your address. It allows for the continuity of the business and also allows shopping for the hosting service. Domain names also promote the branding of your products. A descriptive domain name can work as an effective marketing tool. Bear in mind that a short domain name can be easily memorized.

Cheap Web Hosting - Wide Selection

In addition to the many conveniences and headaches brought on by our increasing reliance on the world wide web, this new form of communication, advertising and commerce has brought with it  an altered mindset for the new consumer; we want it fast, we want it now, we want it perfect.  From small ecommerce web sites to large organizations, reliable hosting is the key to ensure that customers and viewers see the same site at the same speed every time they visit their favorites.  Reliable web hosting services provide the space, along with support (often 24/7) and the all important bandwidth.  Reliable hosting is key to  success in that it gives the consumer a consistent experience while preventing down time,  that could cost the company in question hundreds, and maybe thousands in revenue.

There is a fine selection of reliable web-hosting services online.  Often these services host in a specific region.  There is a multitude of web sites on the internet advertising the services of one or another reliable hosting company.  Luckily, there are also a couple out there to help you choose what is right for your company.  Netcraft and Web hosting Inspector are two examples of such sites.

Web hosting Inspector provides a comprehensive spreadsheet listing independent test results, awards, rankings services and prices for various reliable web hosters.  Though helpful, Web hosting Inspector feels a lot like paid advertising.  A better choice is Netcraft.  Netcraft supplies a lot of the same info as Web hosting Inspector, but also gives in depth analysis regarding down time, a fate worse than death to any e-commerce entrepreneur. Very often, these companies are run from private homes, a low cost, high return way for the internet savvy to make an income.  However, the very “under the radar” nature of some of these businesses makes it all the more crucial that sites such as Netcraft exist, providing checks and balances to an otherwise turbulent industry.

You cannot have a company on the internet without a reliable hosting provider, with a team of dependable customer service.  Their services are important to keep your e-commerce site consistent; visually consistent,  service oriented and most importantly, consistently lucrative.

As the use of the Internet increases every day, with more people than ever before utilizing the World Wide Web to find products and services they  need, reliable web site hosting becomes a bigger issue.  Consumers will not continue using companies who have web sites that are slow loading or are constantly having technical difficulties and down time.  It could be the death of a growing online company to have a site that’s unavailable for any legthy time frame because of a server problem.  The choice of a reliable web site hosting company is then imperative.

Online companies along with individuals will want to select a reliable web hosting company that also offers great customer service, fair and competitive pricing plus first class management. There are some suggestions you will want to remember when looking for a reliable web hosting company.  If you are seeking quality and reliability you will want to do a some research before you make your  final decision.

When you are ready to start a web site either for business or personal needs,  you need to find a reliable hosting service.  The reason for this is because that will be the place you keep the web pages for viewing by consumers and possible business clients.  If you are just starting with an online presence either as an e-commerce venture or even as an individual you want to first understand the basics of web hosting.  A server is a computer that gets the requests for pages or files from the Internet.  When someone types in a domain name a server somewhere is accessed.  It then shows the requested pages or files to the computer requesting the information.  Another way to look at a reliable web host is, they are a landlord renting you space on their computer to others.  You then have a choice between shared hosting or dedicated hosting.  The difference is evident in the name.  A shared host shares it’s server with more than one client and a dedicated host has one client on it’s server.  Dedicated servers normally are used by e-commerce sites that require a large amount of space disk space and more personal management plus cost a little more.

As the Internet is growing so is the number of companies offering hosting services and the more competitive the market is becoming.  Some offer inexpensive monthly prices, some even offer free hosting.  As a business free web hosting may sound like a great solution however; having a website that is also shows advertising that may or may not compete with your online business is not a very good idea.  In general a free web host does not have the quality of customer service a paid reliable web hosting company would have.  These servers are also normally crowded with personal web pages and have limited options.  Many have technical issues that may include down times which could have a negative effect on your new business.  These are all factors you need to consider.

Paying  more for a reliable web hosting company is a better option.  You want to make a good entrance into the web and if you are already established you want to keep your appearance and your clients experiences positive.  Another issue to think about is future expansion.  A reliable web hosting company can offer a multitude of services and packages to grow as you do.  When choosing a reliable web hosting company think of it as a long term business arrangement.

Before looking into reliable hosting options make a list of what is going to be important to you.  This not only in regards to the web site, but to other aspects such as budgets, what you want to accomplish, short and long term goals.  All these factors need to be considered.  Sit down with other companies about their relationships involving several different reliable web hosting companies.  This may give you a great place to start your search.

We mentioned budgets which most start up businesses need to deal with.  A word of caution here, a reliable web host may not necessarily be the cheapest but you will get what you pay for.  Reliable web hosting can be found at a price to fit just about every imaginable budget.

Cheap Domain Transfers

You may decide to transfer your domain for not getting adequate services for the money you are spending. A domain transfer is in effect a domain registrar transfer as it means the transfer of the name from one registrar to another. Nowadays you have got more than a hundred registrars to choose from.

For transfer of domain, you should apply to the gaining registrar, as it is responsible for the operation. It is the duty of the gaining registrar to ensure that the application for transfer by the domain owner is a valid one. The validation usually is in the form of an email sent to the admin contact that requires a reply. In some cases, however, signed faxes are used. Losing registrars these days may resort to 'double-checking.' In this case, they will perform additional security checks if you seek transfer from them. The losing registrars may ask you to reply to an email, or dispatch a notarized letter.

There are a large number of registrars that provide cheap rates for transfer of domain names. Most of them charge less than $10 for the first year and adds another additional year to your present registration term. Moreover, many of them have special prices for bulk domain transfers if you have more than one name to transfer.

Some of the registrars offer complete email for all new domain registrations, transfers and renewals. Get your own personalized email address and 25MB total storage. They are absolutely free. If the transfer fails for one reason or the other, they will refund your fee. The rate of discount sometimes depends on the domain you want to register because some domain extensions are costlier than others.

GoDaddy, TopBusinessDomains, LuckyRegister, IndiaInternets, Domain Names help4u, 2CreateAWebsite, Namecheap, and RegisterFly are some of the places where you can look for cheap domain transfer.

Cheap and Reliable Web Hosting Companies

Choosing a reliable web hosting company can become a daunting task if you are not sure of your expectations. There are some essentials to look for in a good web hosting company before making you’re your choice.  It is necessary to ask yourself the following questions before continuing to freeze on a web hosting provider.

1) How much money is involved in getting your site up and running? There are affordable and reliable hosting providers who can make your site function, usually in 24 hrs.. Website hosting may not be the only influential factor for your site expense though. Others might include: SEO, Marketing etc...

2) How much space will your website need? It’s important to make sure if your site requires large database storage or simple static site with the use of less space.

3) Bandwidth should also be a criteria.  If you run large files through your site every day, you may require more bandwidth. And for a static site, providing just the information about the company and contact details, you can go for lesser bandwidth.

4) Make sure, if your site requires any special software to run scripts correctly on your website. Check with the website hosting company before you make your choice.

5) Does your site require a database? It is wise to check with the hosting provider, if they can host a database and some providers host only certain types. If your website requires a database, check all the requirements with the web hosting provider.

Well, after you have asked yourself the questions above, visualize your site and its purposes.  Have a neat navigation chart with links from home page to all internal pages and so on. Write down the function of each link on the website. It is better to work on it twice even three times so that when it is actually set up on your system, you and your   hosting provider won't be surprised by any additional requirements which may arise that you have missed.

Its always wise to research multiple web hosting companies before you make your final decision. Go through their server software, technical requirements and hardware. Compare with other web hosting companies before you make up your mind.

Lastly, go through various forums pertaining to website hosting  providers, you will find an abundance of good information.